Wong, Jeffry Chi Ming 王志明

Dealings in Apollo Future Mobility Group Limited: O

Exchange Code Listed Last trade Delisted
HK Main 00860  2002-09-03    

Click the date to see more details. L=Long, S=Short. Click the on-exchange price to see the CCASS movements on the settlement date corresponding to the relevant event, for trades after 22-Jun-2007.

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CapacityCapacity of the shares involved Interest
in shares
Curr OnEx
Value Stake
Δ %
1 17-09-29 OtherOther - see filing L OwnerBeneficial owner 1,968,000 0.03 -0.01
2 17-08-17 SoldCompleted sale L -480,000 OwnerBeneficial owner 1,968,000 HKD 1.350 -648,000 0.04 -0.02
3 17-07-19 ExercisedExercised derivative rights to acquire L 480,000 OwnerBeneficial owner 2,448,000 HKD 0.650 312,000 0.06 0.00
4 16-07-19 AcquireBecoming interested L 2,448,000 OwnerBeneficial owner 2,448,000 HKD 0.10 0.10
5 15-03-17 OtherOther L -1 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 0 HKD 0.00 0.00
6 15-01-14 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -43,537,275 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 1 HKD 0.800 -34,829,821 0.00 -0.53
7 14-12-18 OtherOther L 43,537,276 HKD 0.53 0.00
8 14-06-18 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -251,488,523 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 43,537,276 HKD 0.088 -22,130,990 0.66 -6.10
9 14-04-10 OtherOther L 295,025,799 HKD 4.50 -2.26
10 12-04-13 OtherOther L 295,025,799 HKD 6.83 -1.37
11 11-06-08 OtherOther L 295,025,799 HKD 8.20 -1.64
12 11-05-25 OtherOther L 295,025,799 HKD 9.96 -0.10
13 10-12-23 OtherOther L 76,000,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 295,025,799 HKD 10.15 -1.42
14 10-12-14 AcquireBecoming interested L 76,000,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 295,025,799 HKD 0.780 59,279,998 11.57 2.98
15 10-12-14 SellingSale contract L -76,000,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 219,025,799 HKD 0.780 -59,279,998 8.59 -2.98
16 10-07-15 AcquireBecoming interested L 84,293,085 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 295,025,799 HKD 11.81 3.38
17 10-05-10 DisposeCeasing to have an interest L -216,000,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 210,732,714 HKD 0.680 -146,880,002 11.81 -12.10
18 10-04-23 OtherOther L 297,000,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 426,732,714 HKD 23.91 -4.81
19 10-04-14 AcquireBecoming interested L 297,000,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 426,732,714 HKD 0.670 198,990,005 28.72 19.99
20 10-03-23 OtherOther L 426,732,714 HKD 28.72 -4.76
21 10-03-15 OtherOther L 426,732,714 HKD 33.48 -4.47
22 10-02-12 OtherOther L 426,732,714 HKD 37.95 -3.70
23 10-01-28 OtherOther L 426,732,714 HKD 41.65 -2.91
24 09-07-31 OtherOther L 426,732,714 HKD 44.56 -0.04
25 09-07-30 OtherOther L 426,732,714 HKD 44.60 -0.19
26 09-07-29 OtherOther L 426,732,714 HKD 44.79 -0.07
27 09-07-29 OtherOther L 130,000,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 426,732,714 HKD 44.86 -7.10
28 09-07-21 AcquireBecoming interested L 130,000,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 426,732,714 HKD 0.610 79,300,002 51.96 15.83
29 09-07-21 SellingSale contract L -130,000,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 296,732,714 HKD 0.610 -79,300,002 36.13 -15.83
30 09-07-09 OtherOther L 426,732,714 HKD 51.96 -0.97
31 09-06-29 OtherOther L 426,732,714 HKD 52.93 -0.50
32 09-06-17 OtherOther L 426,732,714 HKD 53.43 -0.26
33 09-06-15 OtherOther L 426,732,714 HKD 53.69 -0.52
34 09-05-22 AcquireBecoming interested L 10,732,714 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 426,732,714 HKD 0.194 2,082,147 54.21 0.00
35 07-03-26 AcquireBecoming interested L 43,950,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 416,000,000 HKD 0.530 23,293,499 54.21 2.79
36 07-03-19 OtherOther L -43,950,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 372,050,000 HKD 0.530 -23,293,499 51.42 -6.08
37 07-03-13 AcquireBecoming interested L 43,950,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 416,000,000 HKD 0.530 23,293,499 57.50 6.08
38 07-03-13 SellingSale contract L -43,950,000 CorporateInterest of corporation >=1/3 controlled 372,050,000 HKD 0.530 -23,293,499 51.42 -6.08
39 07-02-27 OtherOther L 416,000,000 HKD 57.50 -1.05
40 07-02-21 OtherOther L 416,000,000 HKD 58.55 -1.09
41 06-08-30 OtherOther L 416,000,000 HKD 59.64 -0.56
42 06-04-19 OtherOther L 416,000,000 HKD 60.77 -1.37
43 06-02-27 OtherOther L 416,000,000 HKD 62.14 -1.86

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