Exchange Code Listed Last trade Delisted
HK Main 00266  1969-11-27    
Stock code:

Directors' dealings

Click the date to see more details. Click on a name to see dealings by that person. L=Long, S=Short. Click the on-exchange price to see the CCASS movements on the settlement date corresponding to the relevant event, for trades after 22-Jun-2007.

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Name Probable
in shares
Curr OnEx
Value Stake
Δ %
24-04-05 Cheong, Gerald Chin Joo 鍾振裕 Other decOther decrease - see filing L -1,035,792 7,705,333 1.62 -0.22
24-04-02 Cheong, Gerald Chin Joo 鍾振裕 Other decOther decrease - see filing L -1,000,000 8,741,125 1.84 -0.21
24-03-28 Cheong, Gerald Chin Joo 鍾振裕 Other decOther decrease - see filing L -2,000,000 9,741,125 2.05 -0.32
24-02-26 Cheong, Gerald Chin Joo 鍾振裕 AppointedPosition on appointment as director/CE L 11,241,125 2.37 0.00
23-01-01 Cheong, Benz Tiong Ham 鍾仲涵 AppointedPosition on appointment as director/CE L 270,000 0.06 0.00
14-07-17 Cheong, Hooi Hong 鍾輝煌 OtherOther L 590,000 4,625,792 HKD 0.97 0.12
13-04-05 Cheong, Hooi Hong 鍾輝煌 SellingSale contract L -590,000 4,035,792 HKD 8.600 -5,074,000 0.85 -0.12
10-10-08 Cheong, Keng Hooi 鍾烱輝 SellingSale contract L -50,000 27,864,420 HKD 6.060 -303,000 5.87 -0.01
07-01-01 Cheong, Chong Ling 鍾聰玲 AppointedOn becoming director or CEO L 412,000 HKD 0.09 0.00
06-02-09 Cheong, Keng Hooi 鍾烱輝 AcquireBecoming interested L 50,000 27,914,420 HKD 2.500 125,000 5.88 -0.01
04-04-06 Cheong, Sim Lam 鍾燊南 SellingSale contract L -20,000 1,099,504 HKD 2.300 -46,000 0.23 -0.01
04-03-08 Cheong, Sim Lam 鍾燊南 SellingSale contract L -100,000 1,119,504 HKD 2.275 -227,500 0.24 -0.02
04-03-05 Cheong, Sim Lam 鍾燊南 SellingSale contract L -110,000 1,219,504 HKD 2.284 -251,240 0.26 -0.02
03-08-20 Cheong, Hooi Hong 鍾輝煌 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,500,000 4,625,792 HKD 1.690 2,535,000 0.97 0.31
03-08-20 Cheong, Sim Lam 鍾燊南 SellingSale contract L -1,500,000 1,329,504 HKD 1.690 -2,535,000 0.28 -0.32
03-08-12 Cheong, Hooi Hong 鍾輝煌 AcquireBecoming interested L 1,500,000 3,125,792 HKD 1.770 2,655,000 0.66 0.32
03-08-12 Cheong, Sim Lam 鍾燊南 SellingSale contract L -1,500,000 2,829,504 HKD 1.770 -2,655,000 0.60 -0.31
03-04-01 Cheong, Kheng Lim 鍾瓊林 OrdinanceOn commencement of ordinance (1-Apr-2003) L 170,000 46,139,164 HKD 1.750 297,500 9.72 0.04
03-04-01 Cheong, Keng Hooi 鍾烱輝 OrdinanceOn commencement of ordinance (1-Apr-2003) L 27,964,420 HKD 5.89 0.00

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